8th Episode - Dos and don'ts to obtain mortgage pre-approval and during the closing process
Hello, how are you, today we come to the last of the Episodes of the ABC of Mortgage in Canada, but this does not mean that with this we...
8th Episode - Dos and don'ts to obtain mortgage pre-approval and during the closing process
5th Episode - Why we have to prove a good credit history and how can we improve it?
5to Episodio - ¿Por qué acreditar un buen historial crediticio y cómo podemos mejorarlo?
4th Episode - How should income be proven?
4to Episodio - ¿Como demostrar los ingresos?
3rd. Episode - Verifying your down payment
3er Episodio - ¿Como probar la propiedad y origen de los fondos del Down Payment?
2do. Episodio - Estrategias de ahorro para el pago inicial